
We provide fully transparent training on the use of cosmetic products and devices.Our tiered system offers specialized instructions that are varied on skill levels as well as individuals interest in a variety of cosmetic procedures.

Assessment/anatomy &


$1500 per person

Starting the course// info on safety description

Intro to neurotoxin

$1950 per person

Upper face tox

Advanced neurotoxin

$2500 per person

Advanced techniques on lower face , neck , and body

Intro to Filler

$2500 per person

Cheeks and temples chin

Perioral/ lip rejuvenation

$3100 per person

Filler lips and beyond (intermediate experience) further completed course,3 years experience

intro to canulla

$2500 per person

advanced canulla

$3500 per person

All areas


$3100 per person

Sculptor and radiuses (face only)

biostimultors body

$3100 per person